25 years of AS532 Cougars in the Netherlands

This year, in 2021, the Aérospatiale/ Eurocopter/Airbus Helicopters AS532 Cougar will have been in operation with No. 300 Squadron of the Royal Netherlands Air Force for over 25 years. This unit is part of the Defence Helicopter Command (DHC) and is based at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. On 29 October 1993, the contract had been signed for the purchase of seventeen AS532U2 Cougars and the first medium-duty transport helicopters were delivered in April 1996. The unit is nicknamed ‘Wildcat’ which is why they fly with this callsign. On its 25th anniversary, the Squadron performed an anniversary flight flying six Cougar helicopters in one large formation. The six Cougars made a scenic flight across the Netherlands and then flew over Roosendaal, after which the course was set for the coastline. The route continued via Hoek van Holland, Scheveningen, Hoofddorp and Utrecht. Finally, the helicopters flew to Ede where a special photo shoot was organised for the formation. The Wildcat Formation only landed in Ede for a small group of photographers who had been informed upfront by the Royal Netherlands Air Force, landing on the heath in two rows of three helicopters with the spectacle lasting only 15 minutes, performing multiple “hover” formations for the photographers. Thereafter, the Cougars flew on to Eindhoven AB for a Low Approach and then landed again at Gilze-Rijen AB just after 1600 hours. For No. 300 Squadron, flying this Wildcat Formation involved long and extensive preparations. The formation was led by commander of No. 300 Squadron who was at the controls of the Wildcat 01, as the formation leader. Of the seventeen AS532 Cougar helicopters purchased by the RNLAF, twelve are currently in operational service.

Article and photos: Joris van Boven and Alex van Noije