Centennial of the Azerbaijani Air Force

This year marks the 100th Anniversary of both the Azerbaijani Air Force (AzərbaycanHərbiHavaQüvvələri) and the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The Azerbaijan Armed Forces that includes the Air Force was established on the 26 June 1918. 

Azerbaijan is known as ‘The Land of Flames’ and regained its independence after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. TheAzerbaijan Armed Forces were re-established on 9 October 1992. Today the Azerbaijan Air and Air Defence Forces are the largest in the Caucasus region with the Air Force having about 8,000 personnel of a total of almost 70,000 personnel in the total Armed Forces. 

The main Fighter base of the Azerbaijan Air Force is located at Tagiyev (also known as Nasosnaya) Air Base. It is a former Russian Air Base which is undergoing a lot of modernisation currently.Tagiyev houses the sole squadron of MiG-29C’s and MiG-29UB’s which have been in service since 2007. The airbase is located North-West of the Capital Baku, near the town of Sumqayit. Before operations started here with the MiG-29’s, the unit was operating a mixture of MiG-25PD/PU/RB’s which were withdrawn from use in 2006. The resident Su-24 fleet was withdrawn during 2010 with three derelict airframes remaining on base. The specialised Repair Factory for MiG-25’s, part of Tagiyev Airbase, has seen aircraft from Iraq, Libya, and Algeria for maintenance well into the last decade. Recently Tagiyev Air Base has undergone an extensive upgrade to both the HQ facilities and the runway. With support of the United States, new runway lightings have been installed. Also the ILS/DME and VOR capable to support operations has been installed with this support. 

“The sole MiG-29 unit has no specific designation or name within our Air Force, we are just known as the Fulcrum unit” according to Base Commander Col. RustamovZaur. “We have the MiG-29’s in service since 2007 when they were procured from Ukraine and were overhauled in the Ukraine before delivery”.  In total about 17 MiG-29’s are believed to be in service, fifteen MiG-29C’s and two MiG-29UB’s of which three are currently undergoing a 3000 hour check at the Lviv Repair Plant in Ukraine. Approximately twenty-six pilots are with the unit. “We fly approximately 60 hours a year, our way of counting flight hours is a bit different as we only note down actual time in the air without mission preparation, taxiing and landing” according the Lt. Col.IbrahimHaziyev the MiG-29 Squadron Commander.

“Student pilots who are in their third year at the Air Force Academy in Baku start with flight training, approximately 10 to 20 hours at Baku Kala Air Base with the Mi-17-1V. After graduation, selected MiG-29 pilots will join the Air Force Training School which is located at Kurdamir Air Base for fixed wing training. The Training School is sharing facilities with the small Su-25 “Frogfoot” fleet.  Student pilots have to be trained and fly around 150 hours on the L-39” according to Lt Col Ibrahim Haziyev. When the training isfinalised at Kurdamir, new pilots (rank of captain) will either join the local Su-25 unit or join the MiG-29 unit at Tagiyev. “New graduated pilots will complete a forty-five day Academic Training as preparation on their first Fulcrum flight” explains Lt. Col. Haziyev. “After this forty-five day, there will be some additional training and a test to check capabilities. When we are satisfied the new pilots will have around 10 to 15 hours on the MiG-29 simulator which we acquired some years ago. Present two simulators are available, one for MiG-29 pilots and one for Su-25 pilots training. All MiG and Sukhoi pilots are required to have a number of simulator hours a year. “It is a bit depending on availability how many hours can be logged by any one pilot on the simulator” according to the head of the Simulator Centre, Major RustamCafarov.

In parallel with the simulator training about ten to twenty sorties, depending on student needs, are flown on the MiG-29UB before the new MiG pilot will have his first solo flight on the Fulcrum” concludes the Lt. Colonel. The solo flight is just basic flying. An additional three to four months, up to a year, is required to become a full operational pilot with the squadron. Training for night flying and ground missions will take an additional two years of training.  Currently conversion and operational training is conducted within the MiG-29 unit. “It puts a lot of pressure on the squadron to have training in parallel of operational missions” according to one of the Instructor pilots.

This situation will change in the near future with opening a new dedicated Air Force Training School. 

“Air Defence and Ground Support are the most important tasks for our unit” continues the Base Commander. “We mostly train for Air Interception and have each day up to three MiG-29s on scramble alert. As an example in 2016 we had sixteen actual scrambles, mostly in the conflict region. We have the MiG-29 airborne within six minutes when required. We can also work together with the Su-25’s, we are then tasked as Combat Air Patrol. As most of the training exercises are held within Air Force, international cooperation has become more important over the last few years” concluded Commander Col. Rustamov. 

Turkey and Azerbaijan have a strong cooperation dating back to 1992 when an agreement was signed on military education. Ever since both countries have been closely cooperating on both defence and security. The Azerbaijan and Turkish Armed Forces have regular exercises. Best known is the annual exercise “TurAzŞahini” (TurAZ) in which Azerbaijan MiG-29s, Su-25s and Mi-17-1s practiced with Turkish Air Force units operating out of Konya Air Base in Central Turkey. The latest edition took place in September 2017 at Tagiyev in Azerbaijan.

The TurAz exercise helps to improve interoperability and exchange of experience between the Azerbaijan and the Turkish Air Forces. Through years of joint exercises with Turkey, Azerbaijan has been updating its combat readiness tactics as well as adapting its airbases to standards, such landing-departure methods and instrument landing systems (ILS). Azerbaijan pilots are mainly trained at the Azerbaijan High Military Aviation School. Some also attend courses at the Air Force Academy in Turkey and have had initial flight training at Cigli Air Base. “The ultimate goal is to prepare and join the international exercise “Anatolian Eagle” which is held yearly in Turkey” Col Rustamov explains. Currently two MiG-29 pilots are training with the Pakistani Air Force to gain experience with the JF-17 fighter. “First results are that the JF-17 is comparable to our MiG-29C and therefore we are reviewing what the next steps will be to acquire a new fighter aircraft” added the Base Commander.

The largest contingent of aviation assets is located at Kala (Qala) Air Base, which has undergone some modifications with a new large hangar area for maintenance and storage of helicopters. This new facility was officially opened in March 2018 as part of further modernisation within the Azerbaijan Air Force. The majority of the helicopter force consists of a number of ‘Hind’ variants: Mi-24V/ P, Mi-35M and Mi-24G ‘Super Hinds’.The fleet of Mi-17-1V ‘Hip-H’ doubles up as light attack and assault platforms besides the usual task of troop transport. For this purpose the Mi-17-1V’s can be equipped with a variety of weapon systems: the ‘Lahat’ (Skybow) an advanced light weight laser homing missile which is highly effective against a variety of target types, including ground targets, ships and helicopters at ranges up to 8 km. The ‘Lahat’ can hit static or moving targets, including moving helicopters with pinpoint accuracy. It is manufacturedby IAI, Israel and in use with the Azerbaijan Air Force for two years and was supported by Elbit during its introduction. Azerbaijan has been the first export customer for this system. It is solely used by the Mi-17-1’s unlike the ‘Baryer’ system which can be interchanged between the Mi-17-1 and Mi-24V fleet.  Simultaneously with the introduction of the ‘Lahat’, the long range missile system ‘Spike’ ER has been introduced within the Azerbaijan Armed Forces; the weapon system can also be used on the Mi-17-1.

Recently, in March 2018, a fifth squadron (Special Operations) became operational with the Bell-412 helicopters. A total of three of this type were acquired in 2016 from Canada sources stated. “In January 2018 a number of pilots were trained over a two-month period in a “train-the-trainer” concept. Besides the three Bell-412s also a Bell-407 and MD-530 were acquired, all sporting black colors. “Both types are currently not operational as pilots have not been trained yet” according to Major ZaurAgayev one of the pilots of the Special Operations Squadron. Major Agayev graduated from the Turkish Air Force Academy and will be one of the instructor pilots within the fifth squadron. Currently one pilot is already in Pakistan to become an Instructor Pilot for the Bell-412.

The Mi-24V fleet was upgraded in the second quarter of 2003. Currently about nine Mi-24Vs are operational with Second squadron, an additional nine were upgraded in 2013 to Mi-24G ‘Super Hind’ standard (Gecə) which stands for “night”. The upgrade programme was based on cooperation between South African Company Advanced Technologies and Engineering (ATE) with Ukrainian companies Aviakon and Luch design bureau from Kiev. The Azerbaijani Mi-24G is largely based on the ATE’s Super Hind Mk4. The core avionics kits are similar to the Mk4 version. The equipment kit (based on the Denel Rooivalk) comprises of an ATE’s developed mission computer, navigation system, NVG rangefinder as well as the Kentron Cumulus Argos 550 gyro stabilised multi-sensor targeting and surveillance system integration TV and IR sensors and a laser rangefinder. Most striking differences are the redesigned nose and cockpit which contributes to weight reduction and improved sight from the cockpit. The mission equipment is lighter in weight and offers NVG capabilities. Cockpit equipment includes two multirole 6x8 inch flight control and data displays, a Doppler GPS system. 

The main stay of the ‘Hind’ fleet consists of the Mi-35M of which twenty-four were supposed to be acquired in 2010. Deliveries were completed by January 2014. During the reporters visit in May 2018 Mi-35s were spotted at Kala Air Base. The Mi-35’s are equipped with night vision goggles, a turret-mounted IRTV-445MGH infrared TV thermal imaging system and new countermeasures equipment. The weapons package comprises of 9K114 ‘Shturm’-V (AT-6 'Spiral') anti-tank missiles, 80 mm S-8 and 240 mm S-24 unguided rockets, as well as either a single 12.7 mm 9-A-629 machine gun or two 7.62 mm 9-A-622 machine guns/one 30 mm 9-A-800 grenade launcher. In addition, they can operate with 50 kg (110 lb.) to 500 kg (1,100 lb.) bombs.

Kala Base Commander concluded by stating, “Our focus is now to have two Mi-17-1’s compatible with the NATO Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC). We hope to join a NATO initiated exercise in 2019 in order to have the opportunity to gain experience, see what we are worth and share our knowledge”.

Carlo Kuit& Paul Kievit/ Bronco Aviation

A total of 43 helicopters took to the sky to perform mass formation exercises during the Authors visit to Quala

During March 2018, a fifth squadron (Special Operations) became operational with the AB-412. A total of three of this type were acquired in 2016. In January 2018, three pilots and a mechanic from the Pakistani Armed Forces trained a number of Azeri pilots over a two month period in a train-the-trainer concept.

The MD530 and Bell 407 are currently not operational and are awaiting pilots to be trained on the type


This Mi-35M is sporting a non-standard camouflage and serial presentation. Three (501, 502 and 503) were seen at Quala in May 2018.

The Mi-24P fleet consists of only two airframes which are a legacy left behind by the Russians. They  sport a black color scheme and are part of 2 Squadron.

For search and rescue duties, three Ka-27Ss are in use which are under control of the Air Force, part of 4 Squadron, a mixed squadron. The Kamovs were left behind by the Russians when the vacated Quala Airbase in the early 1990s and are currently operated by the Azeri Army on behalf of the Navy.

Mass formation exercises 

A MiG-29 coming to halt

Two MiG-29s in flight

Group photo Mi-24V and Mi-35M pilots at Quala Air Base

Line up of Mi-24Vs which are part of 2-CI Eskadrilya/ 2 Squadron ‘Griffins’

Pilots of the MiG-29 squadron

MiG-29 ready to take-off