DAC clears capital acquisition proposals worth Rs 84,560 crore


The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), under the chairmanship of Raksha Mantri Mr. Rajnath Singh, accorded approval for Acceptance of Necessity (AoNs) for various capital acquisition proposals amounting to Rs 84,560 crore on 16 February 2024. 

The DAC has accorded AoN under Buy Indian-Indigenously Designed Developed and Manufactured (IDDM) category for procurement of a new generation of anti-tank mines having seismic sensor and provision of remote deactivation with additional safety features. In order to enhance the operational efficiency and domination in the Tactical Battle Area for engaging targets that are Beyond Visual Line of Sight by the Mechanised Forces, the AoN under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category has been accorded for procurement of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition System.

Further, to strengthen the Air Defence Systems, especially the capabilities to detect slow, small and low flying targets as well as surveillance, detection and tracking of different targets, the AoN has been accorded for procurement of Air Defence Tactical Control Radar under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category.

The AoN for procurement of Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance and Multi Mission Maritime Aircraft, through Buy and Make category, has been granted by the DAC for strengthening the surveillance and interdiction capabilities of the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) over the country’s vast maritime area.

Further, to keep the Indian Naval Ships one step ahead of the threats posed by the adversaries, the AoN under Buy (Indian) category has been accorded for procurement of Active Towed Array Sonar having capabilities to operate at low frequencies and various depths for long range detections of adversary submarines. The AoN has also been accorded for procurement of Heavy Weight Torpedoes for enhancing the attacking capabilities of Kalvari Class submarines. The AoN for sustainment support through Follow On Support (FOS) and Repair Replenishment support through Follow On Supply Support (FOSS) for 24 MH60R aircraft under Foreign Military Sale route with the US Government has also been accorded.

Contracts for military equipment

On 4 January 2024, MoD signed two contracts for procurement of 697 Bogie Open Military (BOM) Wagons at a cost of 473 Cr with Jupiter Wagons Limited and procurement of 56 Mechanical Minefield Marking Equipment (MMME) Mark II at a cost of 329 Cr with BEML Ltd, under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category. Bogie Open Military (BOM) wagons, designed by Research Design and Standard Organisation (RDSO) are specialist wagons used by the Indian Army for mobilisation of the Army units. BOM wagons are used to transport light vehicles, Artillery Guns, BMPs, Engineering Equipment etc. from their peacetime locations to operational areas.

Contract with AWEIL for 463 SRCG’s

The Ministry of Defence signed a contract on 14 February 2024 with Advanced Weapon Equipment India Ltd (AWEIL), Kanpur for manufacturing and supply of a total of 463 indigenously manufactured 12.7 mm Stabilised Remote Control Guns (SRCG) for the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard at a total cost of Rs. 1752.13 crores, with Indigenous Content (IC) of more than 85%. The SRCG will enhance the capability of Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard to accurately engage small targets that post a threat to ships in an asymmetric environment, both by day and night.