Piotr Butowski recalls the “First flight, last flight” of Il-38SD

In the summer of 2003, I happened to be in Moscow when a friend called me and told me that I absolutely must appear at the Khodynka airfield, nearly in the centre of the city, on 3 July. The Khodynka airfield was established in 1910; it was a test airfield for the Soviet Air Force (1920-32), a government airfield and then an airfield for the Ilyushin design bureau and the Znamya Trucla production plant, manufacturing, among others, the Il-38s. All Ilyushin aircraft, starting from the first TsKB-26 of June 1935, made their maiden flights from Khodynka. At the beginning of the new millennium, the airfield was already inactive; an elite housing estate was being built and on the abandoned runway, hot-headed youngsters were organising car and motorbike races.


An upgraded Indian Il-38SD takes off for its maiden flight from Khodynka airfield in Moscow on 3 July 2003. The ESM superstructure was removed for the first flight. (Photos by Piotr Butowski)

On 3 July 2003, Khodynka returned to aviation life for a few hours. The first upgraded Indian Il-38SD, IN305, was rolled out of Ilyushin's hangar and then the preparations lasted for about an hour. The aircraft took off with the minimum fuel load and without the dorsal box of ESM to shorten the take-off roll. Passing round Moscow, the aircraft flew to Zhukovsky, where it was finally equipped. The Il-38SD crew in this flight comprised the aircraft commander Vladimir Irinarkhov, co-pilot Nikolai Kuimov, navigator Valeri Grechko, flight engineer Alexei Zhuravlov, communication operator Sergei Orlov and electrician Vladimir Lipkin.

After this flight, the Khodynka airfield was ultimately closed. As such, I became one of few witnesses of the maiden flight of the Il-38D aircraft and the last flight from the famous Khodynka airfield. 


The man himself! Piotr Butowski at Aero India Yelahanka in February 2019 (photo on the right)