News from Saab

The 1st serial production Gripen E’s in Brazil

The first two serial production Gripen E fighters, called F-39 Gripen by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), are in Brazil. The aircraft arrived in the country on 1 April 2022 at the port of Navegantes, and have completed their first flight in the country. The two aircraft flew from Navegantes International Airport to the Gripen Flight Test Center at the Embraer plant in Gavião Peixoto. The flights were conducted by two Brazilian Air Force pilots, who participated in training in Sweden. The flight to Gavião Peixoto lasted approximately 50 minutes and took place as planned. For the Commander of the Brazilian Air Force, General Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, the arrival of the first two operational aircraft represents a milestone for the defense of Brazil’s national airspace. “The arrival of the aircraft is the result of a project that sought from the beginning to increase our deterrent capabilities, as well as having the objective to foster research and industrial development in Brazil. We now have a state-of-the-art multi-mission aircraft that will be the main asset for guaranteeing the sovereignty of Brazilian airspace,” highlighted the Commander. The new fighters will remain at the Gripen Flight Test Centre until the aircraft obtain the Military Type Certificate, thereafter they will be transferred to Anápolis for the final stages of the delivery phase. “Brazil actively participates in the development, flight test campaign and production of fighter jets, as part of the broad technology transfer package to the Brazilian defence industry. The arrival of the two serial production aircraft is a result of this great collaboration,” stated Jonas Hjelm, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Aeronautics at Saab. The two fighter jets are part of the 36 Gripen aircraft acquired by the Brazilian Air Force in 2014.

MSHORAD evolves

Saab has revealed its finalised Mobile Short Range Air Defence System (MSHORAD) to meet the evolving and proliferating air threats over the battlefield. A wide range of established airborne threats such as fighters, helicopters and missiles are being joined by newer threats such as armed UAV’s and loitering munitions. The need to both detect and counter them all, while deploying with speed and mobility, has been at the forefront of Saab’s MSHORAD system development. Based on RBS 70 NG and Giraffe 1X multi-mission 3D radar respectively, MSHORAD’s vehicle-based Mobile Firing Unit (MFU) and Mobile Radar Unit (MRU), combined with a Saab command and control (C2) system, are designed and available from Saab as its MSHORAD air defence system. MSHORAD’s rapid mobility provides for a tactical advantage to be exploited on the battlefield or to avoid enemy fires. It delivers a 360°, 75 km situational awareness and the capability to target the most challenging UAV threats thanks to Giraffe’s Drone Tracker, an enhanced functionality for low, slow and small objects. The ability to destroy attackers comes from the unjammable RBS 70 NG missile system that operates at day and night, with rapid reloading in the field. MSHORAD’s ease of integration means customers can choose from a wide range of vehicle types. It also has a dismounted capability such as from atop buildings where it can provide an additional form of operational advantage. Successful system integration and test firings have already been conducted in the last 12 months in cooperation with the Czech company SVOS using their new generation of modular armoured vehicle 4x4 named MARS. Live firing demonstrations will be performed for potential customers in the near future.

Mid-life upgrade of 3rd Gotland-Class submarine
Saab has signed a contract with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) for the Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) of the third Gotland-class submarine, HMS Halland. The total order value is SEK 1.1 billion. Saab will conduct an extensive MLU on Sweden’s Gotland-class submarine HMS Halland, including an overhaul and upgrade of the combat system. The Gotland-class submarines were built between 1990-1997. The Gotland-class consists of three submarines, all which have gone through minor modifications during the first part of their lifetime. HMS Halland is the final boat to go through an extensive MLU. HMS Gotland and HMS Uppland were relaunched in 2018 and 2019. The updated versions of the Gotland-class are paving the way for the most modern air-independent propulsion submarine under production today: the Blekinge-class (A26). More than 20 new systems that will be implemented in the state of the art A26 is also implemented in HMS Halland as part of the Mid-Life Upgrade, which contributes to their de-risking for the A26.

Finland for combat training simulators

Saab has signed a contract with the Finnish Defence Forces for the delivery of combat training simulators to supplement the live training solutions already installed with the customer. The total order value is approximately SEK 152 million and the order was booked in Q1 2022. The contract includes an upgrade of the Finnish military training facility in Pori brigade and its equipment, as well as other individual types of simulators with eight separate troop units. The purpose of the products ordered is to continue the use of the training simulators until the end of 2032.