Training of first batch of Indian Navy aircrew on MH-60R’s

The Indian Navy’s first batch of MH 60R ‘Romeo’ aircrew successfully completed their training at Naval Air Station, North Island, San Diego, USA on 1 April 2022. The 10-month long course included conversion training and other advanced qualifications on the MH-60R helicopter. The crew flew extensively from Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron–41 (HSM 41) and achieved day and night deck landing qualification onboard a US Navy destroyer. The crew would be responsible for inducting the versatile ‹Romeo› into Indian Navy. The MH-60R helicopters will provide the Indian Navy enhanced offensive role including Anti-submarine Warfare, Antiship Strike, specialised maritime operations as well as Search and Rescue operations. 24 MH-60R helicopters were procured under a Government-to-Government FMS deal.