Vayu Interview with Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff, IAF

VAYU : At a recent IAF Commanders’ Conference, IAF’s ‘Vision 2030’ was articulated upon. Could you give us an overview on the timelines for these critical objectives to be met?

The IAF is undergoing a major transformation through induction of state of the art equipment along with up gradation of key legacy platforms and systems. Induction of indigenous Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) and S-400 Air Defence system is expected to start in the immediate future. The induction of Rafale aircraft would be completed as per the contractual timelines and LCA Mk1A shall be available from 2024. Concurrently we expect the Multi Role Fighter Aircraft (MFRA) plans to be firmed up to build our op capability. Other major inductions of AMCA and combat enablers like FRA, AWACS, AEW&C, armed drones etc would be near induction/operational by 2030. Simultaneously, we will transform our capabilities in multi-domain warfare, notably cyber and space, and carry out a thorough overhaul of our training processes to make them future ready.

VAYU : As of end-July 2021, a total of 26 out of 36 Rafales had been accepted and ferried to India along with the recent induction into 101 Squadron. Meanwhile, there are some disparate reports on progress of the IAF’s requirement for 114 multirole fighter aircraft, the process having begun some years back. Could you please update us on the status in context of the IAF’s ‘Vision 2030’?

IAF plans to induct six squadrons of MRFA in a phased manner. The finalisation of ASQRs is under progress after which the proposal will be moved for Acceptance of Necessity (AON) by MoD.

VAYU : The IAF has placed an order for 83 LCA Mk1As. Could you kindly give us the probable time lines for induction of the first LCA Mk1A into IAF service? And also the kind of support the IAF is giving towards the LCA Mk-II/MWF as also the AMCA?

Induction of LCA Mk 1A is likely to commence in 2024. IAF has been involved in the LCA programme since its inception and has contributed consistently to its development, flight testing, operational clearances and successful induction. IAF is fully committed to the AMCA programme and is providing requisite expertise, support and operational inputs for successful rollout of the project.

VAYU : The IAF’s transport and helicopter fleet have been carrying out Herculean efforts flying reinforcements, equipment and supplies to the Ladakh region/ Covid support and natural disaster relief over the past 2 years. To increase the logistical gaps and a future acquisition plan, what is the status of India’s Avro replacement programme with the C-295W being the top choice?

IAF is looking at augmenting its medium tactical airlift capability thorough replacement of the Avro fleet. Towards this the procurement of 56 C-295 MW aircraft is already finalised. While 16 aircraft will be delivered in a flyaway condition, 40 are to be manufactured in India by the Tata consortium. This will enhance the tactical load lifting capability and modernise IAF’s transport fleet and also allows para-drop of troops and cargo. Procurement of C-295 would give IAF the ability to operate from semi-prepared strips supporting air transport operations in far-flung areas.

VAYU : As for helicopters, could you give us the IAF’s plans to induct the HAL LCH. What about the IAF interest in the HAL’s IMRH programme? Lastly, on helicopters, any plans to acquire any more Chinooks?

The Contract for LCH is being finalised with HAL by the Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC) of MoD and is likely to be signed in this financial year. IAF operational requirement of LCH would be catered after the IOC of the LCH production helicopter. HAL has carried out Preliminary Design Studies of IMRH based on which operational requirements are presently under finalisation. Chinooks have been operationalised in envisaged roles, and case for procurement of additional Chinooks to meet our operational requirements is under active consideration.