Year of the IAI Heron TP UAV

The proliferation of drones in conflict areas highlights the role that large unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have in modern conflict. The USA, China and Israel are currently the sole providers of large UAS platforms that offer long mission endurance and mission versatility. One of the largest, most advanced systems is the Heron TP from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). Equipped with most advanced avionics, line of sight and satellite communications and multiple mission payloads, the Heron TP climbs up to 45,000 ft, high above commercial air traffic routes, where it can operate on missions spanning over 30 hours, carrying more than 1,000 kg of payload. Its robust structural design features double boom, twin-tail design which is most suitable for such missions, offering better antennae separation, optimal coverage and a stable platform necessary for precision signal measurements.

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) had signed a strategic collaboration MOU with focus on UAVs with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Dynamatic Technologies Limited (DTL) at DefExpo 2020. The MOU will reflect existing capabilities developed by IAI over the years and promote the production of Indian UAVs, in line with the Indian Government’s ‘Make in India’ and ‘selfreliance’ policy. Strategic partnership with the Indian corporations will allow the implementation of optimal solutions for the needs of the Indian forces based on their specific technologies and needs.

New Mission Capabilities 

The Heron TP is configured to carry multiple payloads in a large internal payload bay, with universal payload attachments and underwing hardpoints. Such payloads include electro-optical systems, SAR and maritime search radars, COMINT and ELINT systems as also persistent surveillance systems designed for operation from standoff range.  In addition to the payloads integrated in the aircraft, Heron TP can also carry mission payloads in underwing pods. Such EO pods can deliver in real-time a 3D image of the ground scene, other sensors designed for persistent surveillance, provide continuous coverage of large areas, monitoring all movements over time, enabling analysts to follow objects of interests by specific parameters such as vehicles type, shape and colour, define life patterns and identify anomalies from such patterns. A new capability provided by the Heron TP is maritime anti-submarine surveillance, integrating maritime surveillance radar, EO payload, magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) and sonobuoys that are dropped on water and transmit sonar data to the aircraft. With this equipment, the Heron can detect submarines underwater and track them at periscope depth. On such missions, Herons are launched from land bases but can be controlled from ships at sea. At twice the speed of other drones, and long mission endurance, the TP can cover larger areas, well out at sea. Flying higher than other drones and using EO payloads covering extremely long range, the Heron TP significantly enhances mission capabilities of maritime surveillance and ASW in its ability to move quickly to new positions and recognise targets without descending to a lower altitude, or from stand-off range.

“A Good Year for the Heron TP”

Operationally deployed with Israel’s Air Force since 2010, the Heron-TP has performed countless missions, extended farther and longer than any other manned or unmanned aerial combat system. “90 percent of our activity covers the northern theatre, where we are required to provide persistent surveillance and real-time intelligence,” states Lt Colonel S of the 210th squadron, “The Heron TP enables us to operate farther and extend our vision even longer”. In 2018, the Indian Air Force took delivery of additional Heron TPs that significantly increases the UAV fleet size and increases operational flight hours by 70%. Germany will soon become the second operator of Heron TP, following the award of €1 billion contract to Airbus in June 2018. The contract funds operational leasing of five Heron TP drones, for a period of nine years. The project will have a two year set up phase, followed by an operational phase for a further seven years. “This project will provide the Bundeswehr with an even more efficient system that will better protect soldiers in a wide range of threat situations as well as the at-risk civilian population,” stated Jana Rosenmann, Head of Unmanned Aerial Systems at Airbus. Heron TP will also get military certification from the German Armed Forces aviation authority in accordance with Stanag 4671, allowing the system to be operated around the world. A month after the German announcement, the Indian government approved procurement of Heron-TP platforms to augment the fleet of Heron I’s operated by the Indian Air Force. Similar to the German configuration, these platforms will offer enhanced mission capabilities, addressing an urgent Indian requirement for unmanned weapon-carrying platforms. The new Heron TP platform will further extend capabilities of the current Heron I, enable the Indian operators to fly missions higher, farther and with more versatile, heavier loads.

Courtesy: IAI