Airbus A400M news and updates

Automatic Low Level Flight certification

The Airbus A400M new generation airlifter achieved a new decisive milestone after the certification of its Automatic Low Level Flight capability, offering a ‘unique in its class capability for a military transport aircraft’.  The certification campaign performed above the Pyrenees and central France, involved operations down to 500ft, including transitions from low level flight to other operations like aerial delivery.  This first certification phase concerns operations with Visual Meteorological Conditions, meaning with crew visibility. There will be a second phase including Instrumental Meteorological Conditions, without visibility, to be certified in Q2 2021.

Full Paratrooper Simultaneous Dispatch certification

The Airbus A400M successfully achieved certification of the simultaneous paratrooper dispatch capability and completed the full industrial development of the type’s paratrooping deployment capacity, with a maximum dispatch of 116 paratroopers using both side doors (58 + 58). The certification fight test, completed in May 2020 in coordination with the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) and supported by the French and Belgian Armed Forces, combined an extensive paratrooping campaign of more than 1,000 jumps along with the implementation of new capability development methodologies based on recording and 3D modelling of paratrooper jump trajectories.

A400M Customer Profile: Spanish Air Force

As more and more Airbus A400Ms join the Spanish Air Force’s fleet of aircraft, this military service is working to expand the capabilities of its next-generation airlifter while further increasing mission diversity. The A400M is a “big jump” for the military service according to Colonel Melecio Hernández, Commander, Wing 31 of the Spanish Air Force. “It means that we will be able to reach farther destinations; provide support to our air force, our deployments and the rest of the air forces; and we will better serve our nation in our international commitments,” he explained.
Spanish Air Force A400Ms are used for logistics missions, supporting operations in Africa, the Middle East and Italy. In addition, they have been deployed as part of NATO training exercises. “For sure, the A400M is a great platform, but we have to improve our capabilities,” added Hernández. This includes planned outfitting for medical evacuation (medevac) missions, as well as air-to-air refuelling of the Spanish Air Force’s Eurofighter combat aircraft – with more capability campaigns set to follow. In total, the Spanish Air Force has ordered 27 A400Ms from Airbus – of which eight have been delivered to date.

A400M Customer Profile: French Air Force

The French Air Force became the first customer to receive Airbus’ A400M in 2013. Since then, the four-engine aircraft has taken a leading role in this military service’s counterterrorism and humanitarian efforts, among other high-profile missions. According to Benoît Paillard, the French Air Force’s A400M Programme Manager, the next-generation airlifter’s introduction has revolutionised the way tactical transport aircraft are operated – both within France and on deployments outside the country.

This is epitomised by the A400M’s service in the fight against terrorism, including support for Operation Barkhane (formerly Operation Serval) – an anti-insurgent campaign in Africa’s Sahel region – and Operation Chammal in the Middle East. The French Air Force also deployed the A400M for humanitarian and disaster relief activity in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma – which devastated the Caribbean region in 2017 – and on the Indonesian island of Lombok following a 6.9-magnitude earthquake in 2018. The French Air Force has ordered a total of 50 A400Ms from Airbus.