Iranian Weapons “One Should Fear”!

The US and Iran last clashed with each other in a major incident in 1988 when the US Navy initiated an one day strike operation against the Iranian Navy. The situation further worsened ever since Major General Qasem Soleimani, Commander of Quds Force, IRGC was recently  killed by a US drone strike just outside Baghdad International Airport. In April 2020, the US President Donald Trump tweeted that he had instructed the US Navy to "shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats" that harass US ships.

In 2019 during a speech, current President of Iran commented, "War with Iran is the mother of all wars". If Iran does get into a conflict, here are some of the weapons an adversary must watch out for: 

1) Ghadr-110 ballistic missile: The Ghadr-110 is an improved version of the Shahab-3A missile. It is believed to have a liquid fuel first stage and a solid fuel second stage, which allows it to have a range of 1500 km and according to some sources it can reach up to 2000 km. When in 2015, the missile was tested, it was seen by West as a violation of UN resolution.

2) Sejjil 3: If Ghadr-110 is seen as a threat against American interests in the region, Sejjil 3 is rumoured to be even more potent. It is reported to have three stages, a maximum range of 4000 km.

3)  Fateh-110: A 300 km range guided missile Fateh-110 is road mobile single stage solid fueled surface to surface missile. It is developed from Zelzal-2 unguided artillery. The weapon has been exported to Syria and Iranian allies. They are used extensively in the Syrian Civil War both by the Syrian Government and Iran's regional proxies. A modified version of it, Zolfaghar, which can have a range of 700 km itself has been used by Iran against Daesh in 2017. 

4) Khalij-e-Fars: Khalij-e-Fars is an anti-ship quasi ballistic missile with a range of 300 km. It has been developed from the road mobile Fateh 110 missile which itself a guided modified version of Zelzal long range rocket artillery. This system can be a "game-changer" if used against US aircraft carriers and such a comment came from but none other than Uzi Rubin, the father of "Arrow" missile defence system programme of Israel.

5) Ra'ad: Ra'ad is Iranian reverse engineered and upgraded anti-ship missile based on China's Silkworm. Silkworm itself based on Soviet origin P-15 Termit. Iran used Silkworm extensively during the last phases of Iraq-Iran War. After China stops supplying Iran with Silkworm, indigenous development on that missile started and ultimately resulted the Ra'ad. It is reported to have a range of more than 300 km.

6) Ghadir Class Submarines: A littoral water submarine, displacement of just 120 tonnes but can  still possess danger against enemy naval movement. Ghadir’s which are designed to rest at shallow bottom of sea, strike only when enemy is close and then run away are definitely a big danger. They are equipped with Valfajr torpedos but their biggest power is the capability to launch Jask 2, a new Submarine Launched Cruise Missile through its 533 mm torpedo tube! Iran Navy supposedly has 23 of such.

7) Mines: Mines are big threat for shipping in the area. In 1988, when US Navy guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts was stuck by an Iranian mine in the Persian Gulf, US launched operation Praying Mantis. Use of mines to harass shipping in the area is reported even in recent times. If Iran starts mining the Persian Gulf, it can trigger retaliation from not only just US but other Arab allies of US too. And no doubt, it will effectively stop commercial shipping in the region.

8) Ra'ad 85: It is a suicide drone designed to be operated in an electronic warfare environment. It is capable of carrying a variety of warheads to fit the mission profile. 

9) Kamikaze Boats: It is feared during a conflict, Iran may use suicide attacks on US warships using swarming tactics. Iran does have a huge numbers of high speed boats, some of which can travel at speeds more than 100 kmph. Such boats are equipped with various weapons, while these can be enough to block commercial shipping in the area, Iran can mount suicide attacks against enemy military vehicles and for that they need not to match level of enemy technology.

These are some of the major weapons in Iranian inventory; all of these may not necessarily be technologically advanced but what is important is that these can bring chaos, destruction and economic disturbance to the region which will have a long term effect around the globe. 

Article by: Sankalan Chattopadhyay (twitter@vinoddx9) (Images from the internet)

Missile launch 

Ghadir Class submarine 

Ghadir Class submarines

IRGCN speed boats 


Article by: Sankalan Chattopadhyay (twitter@vinoddx9)