Dassault Aviation Group in 2019

During the year 2019, 26 Rafales were exported compared with 12 Rafales (9 exported plus 3 for the French Forces) in 2018. In 2019, 40 new Falcons were delivered compared with 41 in 2018: 2019 was a difficult market. 

However, in 2019, 40 new Falcons were ordered, compared with 42 the previous year. As on 31 December  2019, the backlog includes 75 Rafale (47 for export and 28for French Forces) and 53 Falcons, compared with 101 Rafales (73 export and 28 for French Forces) and 53 Falcons as on 31 December 2018.

“To build European Defence, we need to maintain collective momentum”

Two years ago, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to jointly develop the European Future Combat Air System (FCAS), this initiativebeing of major importance for European Defencewhich should move forward with the programme’s demonstrator phase. Launching of this FCAS demonstrator phase would commence the first development phase of this 21st century European defence project. In the current geopolitical context, it ensures that Europe can maintain its industrial and operational sovereignty and meet with future threats. The objective is for FCAS to enter operational service in 2040 at the latest, which deadline might seem a long way in the future, but planning needs to start well in advance.

A Franco-German industrial organisation has been defined under the respective national leadership of Dassault Aviation and Airbus. A Franco-German Joint Concept Study (JCS) was launched in January 2019 to define the main features of the system and Spain has since officially joined the programme as the third partner nation.