Saab Gripen E: “an intelligent fighter system”

The Future of Air Combat

Air Armsof the world are faced with a technology revolution,the revolution of change and complexity of embedded systems, being fuelled by advanced artificial intelligence (AI) enabling software and computational power.  This affects society at large in many ways and the defence sector is no exception, the future of air combat being defined by technology where rapid obsolescence in computer SW and HW is becoming an ever-increasing challenge. Development of long range weapons and sensors, low observable aircraft and advanced electronic warfare systems is creating a battlespace that is much more contested and increasingly hostile. 

Mats Palmberg, Vice President, Industrial Partnerships, Saab, and Head of Gripen India Campaign has said that “Saab’s Gripen E is the most modern multi-role fighter aircraft in the world, developed to counter and defeat the most advanced threats in this modern battlespace. Its unique architecture makes it the intelligent fighter system that continuously evolves, rapidly embracing new technology and tactics in a way that will always keep its operator one step ahead”. 

Capabilities of the Gripen E are set to revolutionise air combat, an Air Force’s combat capability multiplied by its networked operations where all units are tightly coordinatedand synchronised in a single synergistic cluster. This means that the use of all resources such as sensors, processing power, electronic warfare and weapons are shared and optimisedtowards countering prioritised threat and targets to maximize operational effect. Smart fusion of both on-board sensors, includinglatest AESA radar and passive IRST, plus off-board sensors from other air, land and sea assetsacquired through advanced data links, gives the pilots a coherent tactical picture and accurate target acquisition data, even against very low signature threats. Latestsoftware anddata processing power, together with a disruptive avionics design, has enabled the Swedish Company Saab tosynergise 50 years’ experience in developing datalinks, data and sensor sharing, to this completing new level of smart network fusion.

Such superior situational awareness, an intuitive and user-friendly HMIand AI-enabled decision support capabilities enable Gripen pilots “to see, understand, decide and act first”. Such ‘system of systems’ performance provides tremendous tactical advantages by enabling a widely dispersed formation which can defeat the most advanced adversarial platforms, even when outnumbered. The low visual and electronic signatures along with a fully integrated on-board self-defence and offensive ECM suite with 360 degree spherical coverage, together with a complete suite of latest most advanced weapons, provides the ability to operate freely with high situational awareness, and also enables the pilot to fight in heavily contested battles paces for mission success and safe return to base. 

The Gripen E’s new airframe design and most reliable engine provides exceptional operational range, combat endurance, weapon payload as well as 9g performance with full internal fuel and super-cruise capabilities. Air-to-air superiority is ensuredthrough a unique, dual-link MeteorBVR performance, close combat IRIS-T with LOAL capability and other weapons of choice. “The long range air to air engagement capability assuredly makes Gripen E the world’s most powerful counter air weapon systems,all-weather air-to-surface capability being assured through the high-resolution AESA/SAR Radar and targeting sensors and the latest generation of long-range precision weapons including the RBS-15 and Taurus cruise missiles”.
Enhanced airpower is further multiplied as combat capability is combined with high fleet availability and flexible deployment. The high Gripen fleet availability is achieved by incorporating high production capability, reliability and maintainability requirement into each system from the start, as a result of which the Gripen operator obtains higher fleet availability at exceptionally low life cycle costs, providing an ability to acquire and operate  significantly larger numbers of an advanced fighter aircraft, with more flying time and within an always limited budget.

Rapid deployment from dispersed locations

The Gripen has unique ability for rapid deployment with minimum resources on road-bases or advanced landing grounds, for highly sustained operations without degradation of operational capability. This gives uncompromised operational flexibility and provides maximum force projection. 

Incorporating a disruptive design of a smart avionics architecture,the Gripen E can  be functionally upgraded, reconfigured and updated in very short time frames, with functionality enhanced by replacing existing software and hardware such as computers, sensors and weaponry without compromising the availability of the aircraft. The avionics architecture is designed to fully separate flight-critical from tactical functions. Changes to the software and hardware do not necessitate new, time-consuming flight safety tests and associated qualifications, which enables upgrades and updates to be implemented very rapidly. In any case, hardware can be replaced independent of software running on it, even for flight critical systems, and new software replaced independent of the hardware within days– and not years. Such unique capability enables rapid modifications to tactical systems and functions of the Gripeneven during wartime conditions, without losing critical time.
With the GripenE, it is no longer necessary to factor inconceivable threats which may arise during the system's anticipated lifespan at the time of induction. Whereas other platforms offer expensive mid-life upgrades after long periods of reduced operational relevance, in the Gripen E’s case, the operator can continuously modify the fighter to meet unique needs and requirements of the situation. The Gripen’srapidupgradeable design, together with the willingness and ability to transfer upgrade capabilities, gives an operator upgrade capability to rapidly meet operational challenges of tomorrow, enabling it to stay relevant, continuously developing tactical and combat performance, thus maintaining the edge in all combat scenarios.

The Gripen offer for India

The Company spokesperson stressed that “the  Gripen E will provide the IAF with an unchallenged deterrence power in the region”. Saab has reportedly provided a comprehensive response to the IAF’s Request for Information (issued in 2017) for “Gripen E delivers the perfect fighter for India’s current and future needs. It furthermore supports India´s ambition for stronger indigenous capabilities with latest technologies for development and production of future fighters, like the AMCA”.Saab stresses that the GripenE “isthe choice for independence”.

“Saab AB has responded in a forward looking way to the Indian Air Force’s Request for Information with Gripen E which is the latest and most advanced multi-role fighter aircraft, designed to maximise operational effect in future battlespaces. It is the true multi-role fighter, equipped with the latest weapons including the Meteor, highly fused sensor suite, and designed for continuous upgrades. We have transcended the ‘generations’ by ensuring Gripen E stays operationally relevant and cost-efficient over time. It is the fighter for future generations, available today,” stated Mats Palmberg. 

According to him,Saab has also provided a comprehensive Make in India offer for long term job creation with substantial production, maintenance and development capability. “The range and depth of the capabilities offered to be transferred is unprecedented. Whereas others offer to set up production lines, the Swedish true partnership offer includes also the underlying know-how and know-why that will bring long-lasting benefits not only to the aerospace domain but also to multiplying effects to the wider economy.We will manufacture 85% of the fighters locally in India covering all aircraft manufacturing phases, provide maintenance capabilities to ensure self-reliant and uncompromised operations by the IAF. In addition, we are also prepared to provide capabilities to further develop and upgrade the product in-country”.
“We have really provided a complete capability transfer concept of know-how, processes and tools that goes well beyond just a technology transfer programme and includes supporting current and future indigenous fighter programmes, including the next-generation advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA). All of these would be provided at a competitive cost, covering the entire lifecycle of the aircraft and its systems,” stated Mats Palmberg.

“Operating Gripen E,the Indian Air Force will be able to achieve a high fleet availability and mission success within the full spectrum of air combat operations, enabled through the latest technologies and weapons, including the game-changing Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile, the Gripen E’s inherent upgrade ability and design philosophy as well as highly efficient manufacturing processes, ease of maintenance and supportability providing significantly lower upgrade, maintenance and operating costs compared to the competition.  The Gripen E would deliver significant cost savings over 40+ years of operation in comparison to alternative platforms, enabling the IAF to acquire and operate a much larger fleet with better availability at a lower cost” Mats Palmbergstressed.

Courtesy: Saab