The Brazilian Air force (FAB) hosted the international exercise CRUZEX at Natal Airbase in the north of Brazil from 18 to 30 November 2018. FAB has been conducting this exercise from past 16 years and now it has become one of the biggest multinational exercise in South America. One of the participating countries in the 2018 CRUZEX edition was the Royal Canadian Air force. The RCAF has a modest bilateral relationship with the Brazilian Air force since 2009 and Canada first joined the CRUZEX exercise in 2013. 

RCAF participated in CRUZEX 2018 on a broader level to back its Global Engagement Strategy (Strong, Secure, engaged) which enables RCAF to strengthen its ties with Brazil and other participating nations. The RCAF operates all over the world and also support humanitarian relief missions and disaster response. Canada participated with two CC-130J Hercules along with nearly forty servicemen and servicewomen. The two CC-130J Hercules flew in from Trenton Airbase in Canada and all personnel, mainly from 436 squadron and some members of the Army Advanced Warfare Centre flew along with the two Hercules. On arrival, the Canadian crew had to adjust with the Brazilian climate condition as back in Canada, the temperature was minus 20 degrees, in Brazil the average temperature was plus 30 degrees. During the CRUZEX, both Hercules often flew two missions a day, practicing tactical missions.

CRUZEX provides modern combat training in combined operations with the participating countries. In a typical CAMAO exercise, just 24 hours before their first flight all members are  given air task orders with objectives. One team conducts offensive actions simulating the invasion of a fictive country. On the other hand, the second team conducts defensive actions trying to defend against the aggressor. To make it more complicated, the area where the action takes place is limited in space. To give an indication, in some CAMAO exercises, almost 57 aircraft flew simultaneously. Coordination is the key to success in any exercise and in CRUZEX too coordination between all participants with different doctrines and assets was quite visible. The RCAF spokesman complimented the Brazilian Air force on behalf of the Canadian delegation. CRUZEX 2018 was very well organised and quite impressive! I would like to thank Lt Iris from the Brazilian Press Office and Cpt Trevor Reid from the Canadian Armed forces for their hospitality and cooperation.